CSE: A Novel Dynamic Obfuscation Based on Control Flow, Signals and Encryption

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Torbat Heydarieh, Iran.

2 Abolmatakher Str. - Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat.


Obfuscation, as one invasive strategy, is considered to be a defense strategy in the field of software and vital information protection against security threats. This paper proposes a new dynamic obfuscation method, called CSE, based on combining a triplet of control flow, signals and encryption of the management table (MT). This triplet exchanges and hides the control graph program. Then, it produces the MT that includes addresses to guide communication between instructions. A type of the stream cipher symmetric encryption (Spritz) applies to encrypt the MT. Also, a multi-objective function (the ability and the resiliency) based on six implementation metrics and two classic objective functions (the cost and the Mishra) are considered to evaluate the proposed obfuscation method. Therefore, the proposed triplet obfuscation method and the multi-objective functions are performed on a small program and a benchmark dataset. The results of our evaluations show that CSE has competitive advantages in comparison with other methods.


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